Opportunity Zones are select census tracts where businesses, equipment, and real property can receive investment through special funding. They allow investors to receive federal tax incentives by investing their capital gains into select communities known as Opportunity Zones using special investment vehicles called Opportunity Funds.
Opportunity Zones were added to the IRS tax code by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The City of Los Angeles has 193 Opportunity Zones approved in 13 Council Districts.
Opportunity Zones were added to the IRS tax code by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. The City of Los Angeles has 193 Opportunity Zones approved in 13 Council Districts.

Los Angeles has one of the most diverse and dynamic economies in the United States, with established industry clusters ranging from aerospace, entertainment and fashion to biomedical services, consumer products and tourism. The City of LA also owns key infrastructure assets leveraged to promote economic development and bolstered by world-class anchor institutions. LA is "the heart" of Southern California, where every form of transportation comes together.
Los Angeles is an ideal place to invest in development, with access to global markets, world-class infrastructure, a highly diversified economy and a broadly skilled labor pool.
Los Angeles is an ideal place to invest in development, with access to global markets, world-class infrastructure, a highly diversified economy and a broadly skilled labor pool.